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6 Ways Augmented Reality Is Changing Education Industry Around the World


Updated: Aug 1, 2022

The future of education is already in the present. A few years back no one expected that augmented reality would mark a shift in the way we learn, but the unforeseen is happening.

From the attractive, character popping flashcards to books that speak, AR has made many impossibles possible. In this blog post, we'll walk you through 5 ways in which Augmented Reality is changing education industry around the world.

Making Learning More Flexible and Accessible

Educational institutions around the world heavily rely on paper books and other supplies. The developing countries with less purchasing power struggle to make the learning resources available to everyone.

Augmented Reality ensures the ample availability of resources for everyone. As long as children are venturing into the classrooms, they have access to their supplies in the classroom system.

Another advantage of AR is that it makes it possible for learners to adjust the learning sets to customize their experiences.

Teachers can enhance the expositions of the theory portion with the AR, while the interactivity of the platform offers a great way of learning practical aspects.

Learning by Doing

One of the most powerful features that make learning with AR apps fun is that it allows students to learn by doing rather than watching or listening to something.

Students who struggle to retain concepts through imagination learn better with AR. Learning by doing also improves the retention power of the students.

AR allows students to practice what they learn.

21st Century Learning

Educators had never imagined that there would be a day when they would be able to bring extinct animals or plants to their classroom, but AR has made it possible.

AR gives us the ability to overlay virtual elements on the real world which allows students to learn on a bigger and larger scale.

With AR, learning becomes truly of the moment and beyond.

Learning in a Safe and Secure Environment

Providing a safe and secure learning experience to students is the paramount concern of the school authority that's why we have many security protocols in our educational institutions.

Augmented Reality adds a new layer of security to the already existing protocols; it allows students to conduct dangerous procedures in a virtual environment without the otherwise present dangers by the use of AR, cameras, and sensors.

For examples, students can perform chemical experiments without actually using the chemicals, which helps them to avoid any potential damage.

Sensory Involvement and Improvement of Sensory Skills

Sensory skills are those such as. vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, vestibular; they're responsible for how we perceive the world.

Learning in an Augmented Reality environment develops sensory skills of the learners by engaging the senses.

Sensory play helps to build nerve connections in the brain.

No Need to Mug-up

Students often find it hard to grapple with the history lessons, that's why the subject history has acquired a reputation of being a mug-up subject.

Augmented Reality replaces mugging up with experiencing. With AR, students learn by understanding how history took place. Students can see the present-day and past pictures of the sites of historical events.

The stimulation of reality also makes it possible to create the imitation of historical events.

With the wonder of AR, there is no need to mug-up.

The global education sector is changing as a result of augmented reality. It is highlighted that students can work collaboratively and address actual knowledge society challenges, which are defined as the complex and dynamic difficulties faced by the knowledge society of the twenty-first century. It allows students to utilize their 21st century STEM skills at the highest level. It has been suggested that using augmented reality (AR) to motivate previously unmotivated students will be successful. AR learning will be especially created to boost student enthusiasm for STEM subjects, heighten interest in STEM-related education and employment, and strengthen teamwork abilities. Today, as the need for skills like thinking, producing, questioning, and creativity in STEM sectors grows, it is essential to create programmes like STEM education to help students develop these abilities.

You can learn more by visiting the following links:

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