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5 Reasons to Introduce Augmented Reality in Your School Tomorrow

Updated: Jul 28, 2022

Technological change slowly propels our realities into different directions even before we realise it. It wasn't long ago that the use of augmented reality was limited to movie productions and games, but now, AR is leaving its mark on education.

In the last few years, the education industry has witnessed many changes and the introduction of Augmented Reality into everyday school learning is one of them. Augmented Reality has made learning engaging like never before by providing learners with the real-world environment to learn.

With AR, learners learn by doing which helps them to understand the concept, which results in longer retention time. In true sense, Augmented Reality is the way to learn in the 21st century.

In this blog post, we bring to you 5 reasons why you should introduce augmented reality to your school tomorrow.

Enhanced Learning

Solely relying on labs and textbooks creates situations where there are concepts which students don’t understand. In the classroom learning, where there is no scope for narrow individual attention, many students hesitate to clear their doubts from their instructors which create learning gaps among students.

Augmented Reality makes learning tough concepts easy through representing the virtual imitation of real phenomena. Students can witness various principles and laws through simulation.

The use of audio and video with AR contributes to increased retention power.

Research-Oriented Learning

To instil curiosity among students and nurture their creative faculty, it is significant to give them resources to explore. Augmented Reality is the best way to allow students to explore the power of the imagination.

Students can learn the most advanced things from all over the world. They can share their ideas with the world. Introducing students to AR is analogous to preparing them to lead the research in the coming times.

Immersive Learning

Learning through AR is more engaging, interactive, fun and stimulating. While teaching in a classroom, teachers often complain of many students not taking interest or being in their own world; Augmented Reality solves this problem. AR learning modules attract learners because while learning through AR, they don't have to be passive listeners, but they actually get to take part in the learning cycle.

For examples, learners not just see how an electric motor works, but they can segregate different components of its simulation to understand the principles and mechanisms on which it works.

Personalised Learning

The role of educators is to make sure that each learner understands the concepts taught in the class, but often this fact gets compromised in classes.

The mode of instruction in a class runs at the same pace for all students; quick learners don't face problems in understanding the concepts, but many students who take time to process the information being delivered, lag behind.

Augmented Reality makes sure that learning becomes personalised for each student. So, when students take time to understand something, they don't lag behind and have the facility of clearing their doubts without being embarrassed.

Economical in the Long Run

Initially, it may seem that implementing AR is costly, but it's not so. Augmented Reality removes the need for many activities that require tangible replenishment in the lab or class, hence bringing down the cost of education for students.

By fusing reality and digital content, augmented reality (AR) is creating new possibilities. AR can be used to comprehend complicated ideas, see artwork like sculptures from all angles, and immerse oneself in the exploration of space. It can start with simple exercises like drawing shapes. With its many applications in education and training, augmented reality enables users to learn-on-the go with real-time guidance. Children learn by experiencing things with the help of experiential learning in augmented reality. They develop a sense for how things function and appear. This works wonders to keep children interested in difficult subjects that demand a level of concentration. It is increasingly being used to teach languages and phonics as well. You can learn more by visiting the following links:

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