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4 Ways to Make Online Classes Fun

Wizar Learning

Updated: Dec 11, 2024

Keeping students focused during a class is a tough task and when classes happen online, it’s almost impossible to have students’ attention due to the increased distractions.

Most of the teachers are teaching live for the first time in their teaching career which is why it’ll take time for them to adapt to the new mode of teaching. The same is true for students who in the absence of the in-person interaction with their teachers, find it hard to stay concentrated on the lecture.

In this blog post, we have covered a few ways to make online classes fun for students.

Show Your Face

Most of your students are new to live online classes when they sit in front of their devices, they’re already distracted by the newness of the concept and their surroundings. In such a situation, if they’re asked to listen to a voice coming from a faceless subject, their learning is going to suffer.

It is significant that you turn on your camera and engage directly with your students by giving them the experience of live-learning. When teaching online, having a distraction-free and well-lighted environment is necessary to make learning engaging for students.

Record Your Lessons

Your students due to increased distractions in online learning might miss significant things taught during a class. Recording your class and making it available to your students after the class is one way to ensure that there is a minimum loss to the learning of students.

Your students can refer back to the class recording to clear their doubts or just for the revision. You can collect all your class recording and create an online repository of your lectures for your students.

Share Class Topic and Resources Before Class

Whether you teach online or offline, it’s always a good idea to share the topic of next class with students and also give them some resources to get themselves familiar with the topic.

The day before your online class, you can share videos, PDFs and PPT links on the subject for the next day. Creating your videos and sharing them with students is also a good way to brief them about the topic before teaching.

Have Reading-Listening Activity

Reading-listening activities are a great way to keep your students engaged when implemented correctly. To have the most engaging experience out of the reading-listening activity, keep a fixed duration for the activity in a class.

During the activity, ask one of the students to read some of the lines in the book, while other students listen to the reading. Randomly, at any moment ask the student reading the book to stop and select the next student to read. The newly selected student will have to start reading from the same point where you stopped the previous one.

That way if out of the fear of random selection will make sure that students pay attention to the class.

With the ever-rising spread of COVID-19, many aspects of our lives have made a paradigm shift to Online, and Education being one of the major sectors that has been shaken by its effects. Every day, new kid-friendly apps are developed, many of which claim their educational qualities. Children frequently find applications intriguing and engaging due to their interactive and playful character. Additionally, using mobile apps is a fantastic way to introduce young kids to academic ideas before they enter school. Educational games for kids must be uninteresting or annoying if there is too much going on, there are lengthy and complicated instructions, or there are long waits for play answers. But these days preschoolers are more active socially and learn knowledge and enjoy playing educational games. Now, these apps must have educational features for kids like videos and images, online collaboration, entertaining activities like painting assignments, discussions, and evaluation.You can learn more by visiting the following links:

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